[Panta Rhei] Mixmaster Statistics Mon 11/09/2006 12:00
(too old to reply)
2006-09-11 10:06:36 UTC
Panta Rhei Remailer Stats

Mixmaster Remailers

This is an automatically generated list of remailer reliability statistics.

Stats-Version: 2.0
Generated: Mon 11 Sep 2006 09:54:15 GMT
Mixmaster Latent-Hist Latent Uptime-Hist Uptime Options
anon 211115471321 2:03 ++++++++++++ 100.0% DPR IN
austria 000010100100 :18 ++++++++++++ 100.0% R GO ATL IN9
banana 211212212111 :58 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR IN1
bigapple 010121181210 1:13 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PRHG XATLEUIN0
borked 000011111661 1:10 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO ATLEUIN9
cside E86655454444 7:04 ++++++++++++ 100.0% D R IN
cripto 101101111001 :25 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO TLEUIN1
cthulu 221121122112 :59 ++++++++++++ 100.0% D R O TLEUIN3
deuxpi 111110011010 :23 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO ATLEUIN
dingo 0011110A2500 1:35 ++++++++++++ 100.0% DPRHGOXATLEUIN9
frell 66268565A456 5:08 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO ATLEUIN9
george 011111110111 :29 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO ATLEUIN
kroken 111112212114 1:03 ++++++++++++ 100.0% D R GO TLEUIN9
lcs 001010010100 :15 ++++++++++++ 100.0% M 9
metacolo 011111011110 :27 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR G ATLEUIN
panta 000000000000 :03 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PRHG XATLEUIN9
tonga 211111110002 :39 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR UIN
zerofree 111111121111 :41 ++++++++++++ 100.0% D R GO TLEUIN
antani 222222224222 1:41 +++++++++++7 97.7% DPR GO ATL IN
dizum 111121212111 :47 ++++++7+++++ 97.7% PR GO ATLEUIN0
twisty 000011041410 :52 +++++++++++7 97.7% PRHGOXATLEUIN9
bikikii 28732385ADB4 7:21 +++++++++++5 95.5% DPRHGOXATLEUIN1
starwars 232222633265 2:48 +++5++++++++ 95.5% DPR GO TLEUIN
pboxmix 101111212111 :40 +++++++++++2 93.3% PR GO ATL IN
hastio 36BD36336521 4:49 +++26+++++++ 91.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
vger 213122221333 1:32 +777+++7+++7 88.8% DPR G TLEUIN9
bunker 5?4?35??442? 3:36 202037006320 22.2% DPR UIN
hermes ???????????? 99:59 000000000000 0.0% D R GO ATLEUIN

Groups of remailers sharing a machine or operator:
(daat hod)
(antani starwars pboxmix )
(lcs nym)
(paranoia nymph)
(riot blackhol)
(panta pantanym)

Broken type-I remailer chains:
(antani cthulu)
(antani george)
(antani starwars)
(antani vger)
(austria dingo)
(bigapple dingo)
(bikikii dingo)
(cripto dingo)
(cthulu starwars)
(deuxpi starwars)
(frell senshi)
(frell zerofree)
(hermes *)
(* hermes)
(metacolo antani)
(metacolo dingo)
(panta dingo)
(pboxmix cthulu)
(starwars dizum)
(starwars vger)
(twisty starwars)
(vger dingo)
(zerofree pboxmix)
(zerofree senshi)
(zerofree starwars)

Broken type-II remailer chains:
(anon bunker)
(antani bunker)
(austria bunker)
(austria twisty)
(banana bunker)
(bigapple borked)
(bigapple bunker)
(borked starwars)
(cside bunker)
(cripto lcs)
(cthulu antani)
(cthulu bunker)
(cthulu starwars)
(deuxpi bunker)
(dingo bunker)
(dingo panta)
(dingo starwars)
(dizum bunker)
(frell bunker)
(george bunker)
(george vger)
(hermes *)
(* hermes)
(metacolo bunker)
(panta bunker)
(pboxmix bunker)
(starwars bunker)
(twisty bikikii)
(vger bunker)
(zerofree bunker)


$remailer{"anon"} = "<***@anon.978.org> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"antani"} = "<***@firenze.linux.it> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"austria"} = "<***@remailer.privacy.at> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen1024";
$remailer{"banana"} = "<***@mixmaster.mixmin.net> mix remix inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen100";
$remailer{"bigapple"} = "<***@bigapple.yi.org> cpunk mix hybrid pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix ext max test inflt32 rhop5 klen94";
$remailer{"bikikii"} = "<***@bikikii.ath.cx> cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen125";
$remailer{"borked"} = "<***@pseudo.borked.net> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"bunker"} = "<***@mixmaster.thebunker.net> mix middle remix esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"cside"} = "<***@cside.dyndns.org> mix middle remix inflt50 rhop5 reord";
$remailer{"cripto"} = "<***@ecn.org> cpunk mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post klen150";
$remailer{"cthulu"} = "<***@cthulu.joatcrafts.org> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen300";
$remailer{"deuxpi"} = "<***@deuxpi.ca> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"dingo"} = "<***@dingoremailer.com> cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen1000";
$remailer{"dizum"} = "<***@dizum.com> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen64";
$remailer{"frell"} = "<***@remailer.frell.eu.org> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"george"} = "<***@mixmaster.it> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"hastio"} = "<***@remailer.hastio.org> cpunk mix hybrid pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop6 klen1000";
$remailer{"hermes"} = "<***@eocto.net> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord";
$remailer{"hod"} = "<***@hod.aarg.net> newnym2 pgp klen1024 DH/DSS TESTING";
$remailer{"kroken"} = "<***@kroken.dynalias.com> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen1024";
$remailer{"lcs"} = "<***@anon.lcs.mit.edu> mix klen1000";
$remailer{"metacolo"} = "<***@remailer.metacolo.com> cpunk max mix pgp repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"nym"} = "<***@nym.alias.net> newnym pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"panta"} = "<***@panta-rhei.eu.org> cpunk mix hybrid hcnews pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop5 klen1000";
$remailer{"pantanym"} = "<***@nym.panta-rhei.eu.org> newnym newnym2 pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"pboxmix"} = "<***@pboxmix.winstonsmith.info> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"senshi"} = "<***@gmx.de> cpunk middle pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp reord ext max test inflt10 rhop2 klen200";
$remailer{"starwars"} = "<***@tatooine.homelinux.net> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"tonga"} = "<***@cypherpunks.to> mix remix esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"twisty"} = "<***@twistycreek.com> cpunk mix hybrid pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop5 klen1000";
$remailer{"vger"} = "<***@vger.smbtech.com> cpunk mix middle pgp repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt256 rhop20 reord post klen8192";
$remailer{"zerofree"} = "<***@zerofreedom.homeip.net> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord";


The stats table shows the 12-day performance history of each remailer.
Pings (test messages) are sent to each remailer and response time is

Latent-Hist shows the average default response time for each day:
0 less than 20 minutes
1 less than 1 hour
9 less than 9 hours
A less than 12 hours
B less than 18 hours
C less than 24 hours
G less than 48 hours
H more than 48 hours
? No responses received / No data

Latent shows the average default response time in HH:MM format.

Uptime-Hist shows the Uptime percentage (responses received divided by
pings sent) for each day:
+ 100% (Responses were received for all pings sent)
9 90-99.9% (About 9 responses were received for every 10 pings)
1 10-19.9%
0 0-9.9%
? No pings sent / No data

Uptime shows the average Uptime percentage for 12 days.

Options shows an abbreviated form of the strings listed in the
Remailer-Capabilities section above:
D middle (Remailer is middleman and chains to other remailers)
P post (Supports news posting (Anon-Post-To or Post)
M/R/2 mix/remix/remix2 (Supported Mixmaster features)
H hybrid (Supports CPunk directives in Mix messages)
G/2 repgp/repgp2
O pgponly (Requires Cypherpunk messages to be PGP encrypted)
X ext (Supports extended directive features)
A max (Supports Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date directives)
T test (Supports the Test-To directive)
L latent (Supports the Latent-Time directive)
e/E ek/ekx (Supports Encrypt-Key/-3DES,-CAST directives)
U esub (Supports the Encrypt-Subject directive)
I inflt (Supports the Inflate directive)
N rhop (Supports the Rand-Hop directive)
# klen - The digit indicates the maximum message size:
9 Max is greater than 900K
8 Max is less than 900K
1 Max is less than 200K
0 Max is less than 100K
Runaway Remailer Admin
2006-09-11 18:40:30 UTC
"panta-admin" <admin at panta-rhei DOT dyndns DOT org> schrieb im
Post by panta-admin
Panta Rhei Remailer Stats
Mixmaster Remailers
This is an automatically generated list of remailer reliability statistics.
Stats-Version: 2.0
Generated: Mon 11 Sep 2006 09:54:15 GMT
Mixmaster Latent-Hist Latent Uptime-Hist Uptime Options
anon 211115471321 2:03 ++++++++++++ 100.0% DPR IN
austria 000010100100 :18 ++++++++++++ 100.0% R GO ATL IN9
banana 211212212111 :58 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR IN1
bigapple 010121181210 1:13 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PRHG XATLEUIN0
borked 000011111661 1:10 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO ATLEUIN9
cside E86655454444 7:04 ++++++++++++ 100.0% D R IN
cripto 101101111001 :25 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO TLEUIN1
cthulu 221121122112 :59 ++++++++++++ 100.0% D R O TLEUIN3
deuxpi 111110011010 :23 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO ATLEUIN
dingo 0011110A2500 1:35 ++++++++++++ 100.0% DPRHGOXATLEUIN9
frell 66268565A456 5:08 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO ATLEUIN9
george 011111110111 :29 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR GO ATLEUIN
kroken 111112212114 1:03 ++++++++++++ 100.0% D R GO TLEUIN9
lcs 001010010100 :15 ++++++++++++ 100.0% M 9
metacolo 011111011110 :27 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR G ATLEUIN
panta 000000000000 :03 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PRHG XATLEUIN9
tonga 211111110002 :39 ++++++++++++ 100.0% PR UIN
zerofree 111111121111 :41 ++++++++++++ 100.0% D R GO TLEUIN
antani 222222224222 1:41 +++++++++++7 97.7% DPR GO ATL IN
dizum 111121212111 :47 ++++++7+++++ 97.7% PR GO ATLEUIN0
twisty 000011041410 :52 +++++++++++7 97.7% PRHGOXATLEUIN9
bikikii 28732385ADB4 7:21 +++++++++++5 95.5% DPRHGOXATLEUIN1
starwars 232222633265 2:48 +++5++++++++ 95.5% DPR GO TLEUIN
pboxmix 101111212111 :40 +++++++++++2 93.3% PR GO ATL IN
hastio 36BD36336521 4:49 +++26+++++++ 91.1% RHG XATLEUIN9
vger 213122221333 1:32 +777+++7+++7 88.8% DPR G TLEUIN9
bunker 5?4?35??442? 3:36 202037006320 22.2% DPR UIN
hermes ???????????? 99:59 000000000000 0.0% D R GO ATLEUIN
(daat hod)
(antani starwars pboxmix )
(lcs nym)
(paranoia nymph)
(riot blackhol)
(panta pantanym)
(antani cthulu)
(antani george)
(antani starwars)
(antani vger)
(austria dingo)
(bigapple dingo)
(bikikii dingo)
(cripto dingo)
(cthulu starwars)
(deuxpi starwars)
(frell senshi)
(frell zerofree)
(hermes *)
(* hermes)
(metacolo antani)
(metacolo dingo)
(panta dingo)
(pboxmix cthulu)
(starwars dizum)
(starwars vger)
(twisty starwars)
(vger dingo)
(zerofree pboxmix)
(zerofree senshi)
(zerofree starwars)
(anon bunker)
(antani bunker)
(austria bunker)
(austria twisty)
(banana bunker)
(bigapple borked)
(bigapple bunker)
(borked starwars)
(cside bunker)
(cripto lcs)
(cthulu antani)
(cthulu bunker)
(cthulu starwars)
(deuxpi bunker)
(dingo bunker)
(dingo panta)
(dingo starwars)
(dizum bunker)
(frell bunker)
(george bunker)
(george vger)
(hermes *)
(* hermes)
(metacolo bunker)
(panta bunker)
(pboxmix bunker)
(starwars bunker)
(twisty bikikii)
(vger bunker)
(zerofree bunker)
pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord
pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord
rhop5 reord post klen100";
latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix ext max test inflt32 rhop5
pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max
test inflt50 rhop5 klen125";
pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord
post klen1024";
remix esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post klen150";
pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord
remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max
test inflt50 rhop5 klen1000";
remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen64";
pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord
post klen1024";
remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop6
pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord";
pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord
repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test
inflt75 rhop5 klen1000";
mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord
ekx esub cut hash repgp reord ext max test inflt10 rhop2 klen200";
middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50
rhop20 reord post";
pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test
inflt75 rhop5 klen1000";
remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt256 rhop20 reord post
middle pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50
rhop20 reord";
The stats table shows the 12-day performance history of each remailer.
Pings (test messages) are sent to each remailer and response time is
0 less than 20 minutes
1 less than 1 hour
9 less than 9 hours
A less than 12 hours
B less than 18 hours
C less than 24 hours
G less than 48 hours
H more than 48 hours
? No responses received / No data
Latent shows the average default response time in HH:MM format.
Uptime-Hist shows the Uptime percentage (responses received divided by
+ 100% (Responses were received for all pings sent)
9 90-99.9% (About 9 responses were received for every 10 pings)
1 10-19.9%
0 0-9.9%
? No pings sent / No data
Uptime shows the average Uptime percentage for 12 days.
Options shows an abbreviated form of the strings listed in the
D middle (Remailer is middleman and chains to other remailers)
P post (Supports news posting (Anon-Post-To or Post)
M/R/2 mix/remix/remix2 (Supported Mixmaster features)
H hybrid (Supports CPunk directives in Mix messages)
G/2 repgp/repgp2
O pgponly (Requires Cypherpunk messages to be PGP encrypted)
X ext (Supports extended directive features)
A max (Supports Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date directives)
T test (Supports the Test-To directive)
L latent (Supports the Latent-Time directive)
e/E ek/ekx (Supports Encrypt-Key/-3DES,-CAST directives)
U esub (Supports the Encrypt-Subject directive)
I inflt (Supports the Inflate directive)
N rhop (Supports the Rand-Hop directive)
9 Max is greater than 900K
8 Max is less than 900K
1 Max is less than 200K
0 Max is less than 100K
May I kindly ask you to list my runaway remailer.


runaway admin
